Tuesday, February 20, 2007

A Good Blog Site

The blog I went to was Pop Candy. It has a lot of normal conventions we see in blogs. First is that it has a title and description of the site. Pop Candy is one person's view of popular culture. It has a search bar, and a list of categories. You can click on a subject and all posts regarding that subject will come up. There are also hyperlinks to other websites with more information on the topic being discussed. There is also a photo of the author, which is common with blogs. The author also uses photographs when appropriate in the posts.
When visiting the site you can also see the unconventional components the author uses. This blog site is part of the bigger site of USA Today, so there is a USA Today user bar above the blog site. There is also categories by archives, so if there is a specific time frame you are looking for you can find it. There is also links to different websites that contain similar information and topics. This is something I haven't seen too much of, but I think it's a great idea, so that people can read about a topic from a few different perspectives.
The topics the author discusses are all popular culture, but it varies from movies, television shows, music, festivals, and more. The author sets it up by what is going on for that specific week. She uses a one on one form, like she is talking directly to the audience. She also uses a lot of reflection, added what she feels about certain subjects. She seems very organized in her thoughts, but presents them in a laid back way.
The blog is made for pepole who want to know all that is going on in the world of pop culture. If you want to know what movies are coming out, good new music, celebrity websites, etc. this is the place to go. This author doesn't seem to write just about things she likes, she writes about all aspects. And besides that, you can get to all other types of news, and blogs focused on a variety of different subjects. One post was just on the geekiest crossword puzzle. It contains most things interesting and entertaining.
This is a very well rounded website with good links and topics. This site has subject titles that are easy to understand. Before reading the blog you know what you are in for. The title is even explained. Also most of the content in the blog has a wide diversity. The author is not constantly writing about the same subject over and over. Each blog has a different focus, and appeals to different people, but still stays on the same main subject matter. It is also very well organized. The links to other information is easy to find. In reflecting on my own blog site, I feel I could make some changes to improve the appearance and usability of my site. I think a lnk to the main English blog would be a good idea. I also feel I can try and make my titles a little more informative.


@km said...

Hey I did the same blog for my writing too. I love this blog it was entertaining and had some interesting things. I am into some of that stuff though so maybe I was more interested than others. I thought she wrote really well and her humor added a lot to some of her posts like the latest one with the quote of the day referring to Chewbacca, very funny. Your blog post was very detailed probably more than mine you went into all the search bars and links related to USA Today’s site, I didn’t. I really enjoyed reading your post on the same blog, and seems like you like it too.

Molly Bloom said...

I was assigned the same blog and I really didn't like it that much. I just don't think I'm interested enough by the topic of pop culture. It was a well composed blog though. I don't know what she did to get her title like that. I need to learn how to do something visual like that. I like how the picture seems like it's a part of the page's background. I need a big picture of myself so everyone can see my beautiful face when they visit my blog.